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04-30-2009, 10:41 PM

Originally Posted by SHAD0W View Post
No offence, Teresa.. but after 3 years.. you should be almost fluent by now..?
That is rediculously unneccessarily rude. This thread was not made inquiring about your opinion. She undoubtedly has other things that are more pertinent than your silly opinions. You should highly consider keeping useless thought drainage to yourself. As if your uninvolved lack of sensitivity wasn't enough, your arrogance toward language learning is shocking. Dedication towards language learning can be as spaced out as each individual person wants in accordance to their goals. Her current level of japanese and apparent goal of wanting to go to Japan are in perfect synch, if not her abilities being past to her goal. Besides, when she does go to Japan, her Japanese will get a lot better.

But let me say, how dare a person who claims -through being a member of this site- they are a fan of Japan speak so someone with such disrespect. You'd think someone who is a fan of Japan would know how to bite their tongue (or superglue their fingers together, in this case.)
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