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PockyMePink (Offline)
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05-01-2009, 12:06 AM

Originally Posted by InuAisu View Post
Really? That's your reason? Wow. I thought there was going to be a real reason. You connected incompetent to unintelligent? You consider me stupid because I insulted a person? Doesn't that make YOU stupid too? At least I had more than several one-liners meaning the same thing. If stupid is insulting someone, than it must especially apply to people who have shown no ability to do so at least cleverly hidden behind words past a second grade reading level.
Thank you for doing it again

lets can I properly explain my meaning.....

Boy 1: Do you think I should lost weight?
You: Yo momma needs to lose weight!

....that's exactly how stupid you sound. Instead of responding in a way that helps, is relevent, or helps someone else out, you respond by insulting someone in a very direct way, without knowing anything about them. You're just trying to cause an argument. You're trolling, to be honest.....
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