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InuAisu (Offline)
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05-01-2009, 12:11 AM

Originally Posted by ChisaChi View Post
I'm only going for 2 weeks so not too worried about not being completely functional, but I don't want my host family to be disappointed with my level after saying I've been studying so long! I'm hoping to apply for JET eventually, spend a more extended amount of time in Japan and concentrate more on studying the language.

I've been to Nara, it's great! I was told the deer were friendly, but that's an understatement - they will try and eat anything O_O The todaiji is incredible, and I managed to fit through the hole that supposedly grants enlightenment.

Awww!! You really are a super nice person! Kambate! ^-^ JET is the english teacher program, right?- I've only glanced over topics on it, so please excuse me if I'm totally wrong!- That's awesome! -runs off to goodlesearch todaiji-

[img] [/img]
lol!! I hope I fit in the hole too!! Can you stand up in the hole? Did you feel enlightened? I'm sorry if I ask many questions, I'm very excited and you are very much -sempai capable(?)
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