Originally Posted by RKitagawa
troo, you are a fantastic artist, great stuff. especially the photography!
that one picture on the subway is too heavily compressed though, i'd love to see a higher quality picture of that.
Cheers. Alas I tend to post from work, so only have access to what I've already uploaded on photobucket. I'll see if I can dig out the original over the weekend.
Originally Posted by RKitagawa
as for your hand drawn pictures, i just think you should use more pencils so you can get nicer dark areas, get a higher contrast.
take it easy
Yeah, I'm going to claim shenanigans on the part of the scanner there. I use heavy watercolour paper I buy in bulk whenever I go to France, but it's slightly larger than the A4 scanner, so doesn't quite touch the glass properly. Light gets in, and it all goes a bit feeble