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(#82 (permalink))
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rison (Offline)
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05-02-2009, 07:34 AM

Originally Posted by pumpum View Post

I didnt make that satement becasue someone told me Ninjas were badass lol, it is my opinion based on the following logic;

Samurais were warriors and therfore did battle/War/Fight

Ninjas were asassins who just Killed.

So the question is who would put the other away for good, the asassin or the warrior?? Logic tells me that if the ninja had beef with the samurai - he wouldnt go up and *challenge* him! he would just kill him, simple and logical.
And logically since Samurais only did battle and Ninjas were just assassins, this eventually means Ninjas were more dangerous than the former.

This is oversimplification of the issue not logical reasoning in any form.

Orochimaru >>>>>Akatsuki,
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