Originally Posted by JapaneseAngel
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Gattacciaさん こんにちは!!
Would you tell me the meaning,"mashed sticky rice with a lil rest sweet beans "?
どんなごはん(or 饅頭)ですか?]
Ciao Angelo
I wrote in italian. hehe
I meant just inside of Ohagi and a little bit rest of Sweet beans on it.
Did I explain well this time?
Originally Posted by JapaneseAngel
[My italian friends said "Che schifo " , it means gross, yuck etc----
Is that so? そこまでとは・・・
I can't believe they said that.
>But I can imagine it because when I heard about sweet rice pudding in Spain, I said same thing! though that was not so bad, just a question of habit funny huh!
You said same thing,too? Wow! !( ̄ロ ̄lll)
>>just a question of habit funny huh!
Yes, they said!
I did, too. But can you imagine sweet rice pudding? sweet white rice?
I could'nt!
And " just a question of habit" I mean, Italians are used to eat beans with salt, olive oil, spice, and Japanese are used to eat white rice without any condiment (almost) . So if we hear something different from our tradizion,
usually feel something strange...no?
Originally Posted by JapaneseAngel
[いつも英文作るときは、とにかく検索しまくって作って いるのですが、
In this case we need the opinion from the native.
And the case by case, we have to chose the right one... let's ask the native making a new thread
Originally Posted by JapaneseAngel
[お気持ち、よく分かります。^^ I understand your feelings exactly.
今よく目にする小さめのバラ(名称忘れました^^;)をわ たしも2鉢買いました。
以前、一度枯らしたことがあるので、今回はちょっと気 合いれて世話をしています。]
Yesterday I bought a small planter and a basilico pot and Italian parcery pot and mini tomato named Aiko.
My daughter put 5 Asagao seeds and one sunflower with just 2 leaves in it, too.
mmmmm looks very happy angle
Originally Posted by JapaneseAngel
[切り落とした葉は、透明の食器(2つ)に水を入れてそ の中に浸して楽しんでいます。
案外たくさん切り落とし葉があったので、もうひとつ珈 琲が入ってた縦長の瓶にも
入れて目の保養しています。バラの葉っぱってかわいい し、色目もきれいなんですよね。]
wow, good idea!
You sounds something artistic hehehe.
I think I have to cut stem of the rose a lil bit. they are too long and thin...my mom said maybe they wouldn't bloom.... mmmm...
Originally Posted by JapaneseAngel
[これからゴールデンウィークで・・・平日より食事を作 る回数が増えて
忙しい繁忙期に入ります。(我が家だけかな?) 仕事 していた時は休みがくると
とってもうれしかったものですが・・・・今では・・・ 休みがこわいっ。 笑)]
Us ,too.
But I'm so happy having day off, I'm a single working mom, so just do the things of the house seems very much easier.
But maybe with 2 boys and a husband make things different from mine hehehe .
Keep going