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Nagoyankee (Offline)
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05-02-2009, 11:26 PM

Originally Posted by KyleGoetz View Post
I was flipping through my copy of NTC's 新漢字字典 and came across this:

勉める, usu. 努める
Is there a difference here like there is with 川・河 that has been covered here previously? I'd never even seen 勉める before! I'd always used 努める to write it.

I know that 勤める should be distinguished from those because they mean "to try hard" or "to make efforts," while the latter means "to be employed (by)."
There is no difference in meaning between 努める and 勉める. But I would not call those interchangeable because if you use 勉める in business letters, you're pretty much out. Some writers MAY prefer using the latter for their own aesthetic reasons, but this isn't certainly something I can recommend that Japanese learners follow unless they are already good enough to write books in the language.
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