New to JF
Posts: 15
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Earth
05-03-2009, 05:59 AM
Name: Roneshia
Age: 17
Favourite Type of Lolita: EGL
Favourite Lolita Brand: H.Naoto, Baby the Stars Shine Bright, Victorian Maiden
Favourite Lolita Store: n/a
Favourite Colours: black, gray, white, and red
Likes and Dislikes: like- food, anime, weirdness, bishounens, yaoi, visual kei, lolita, video games, being alone, thinking about life
dislikes- know-it-alls, the upcoming apocalypse, frustration, insecurity, my fierce temper, bullshit
Kamikaze Girls is a awesome movie. It's so funny .