Originally Posted by Nemhy
Why Japan? What makes you think being an Alien in Japan would be a better life for you then your current location?
I am going to second this question. But... I`ll do the nice thing and answer your questions from the point of view of someone who actually did sort of "escape" to Japan, as that appears to be what you want to hear.
No matter what, you`re going to hit the 90 day wall. If you want to manage the whole 90 days, I`d say the best (possibly only?) bet would be to go with a private homestay. How to find the mythical private homestay that will let you stay for 3 months and less than $1000? Please don`t ask - it`s a matter of pure luck. You`re going to have it tough because you`re male and over 20.
2) i have some college education, i figure i can continue the rest from online classes.
That is great... But online classes also cost money if you want to use them toward an actual degree. So you will need to be in a money making situation.
6) i will want to work doing whatever job i can get my hands on, be it at a resturant or whatever. i need some advice about this also. how does japan handle foreigners trying to work
It doesn`t let them if they do not have a valid visa. You might be able to find someone who will give you minimal pay for helping out, etc, but the thing is - you`re going to stand out. You mention Chinese and Koreans in your second message. There are some illegal aliens of the Asian variety in Japan. How do they pull it off? By not standing out. There is absolutely no scenario I can come up with where you wouldn`t obviously look to be a foreigner.
I understand that you must be cornered and desperate. I seriously sympathize with you.
The thing is... If you have, say, $2500 right now - it would be much much more efficient to put it toward making a new life somewhere in the US. You`re not a child, you can move out of city, out of state, even cross country and no one is going to truly be able to stop you. You don`t have to tell anyone where you went. You can just up and leave one day, get an apartment, and job hunt. You have the advantage of already knowing the language, the culture, and being able to legally work. Finish up that degree on minimum wage, if that`s what it takes, and then if you still want to come to Japan... Do it legally for the long term.