Originally Posted by twon26
i actually want to see what advice someone would give a person trying to escape to someplace like japan.
not just an American, cause im sure every nation has its fair share of illegal people living among them. im sure japan has some illegal Koreans or Chinese and other nationalities.
Why would you want to escape to Japan?
Japan isn't exactly a country which accepts foreigners with open arms. It's a country which only accepts around 400 refugees a year (vs around 7000 in Canada) and a country which will not hesitate to separate an illegal parent from their Japan born child. It's a country where foreigners still stand out and a place where foreigners are required to carry an Alien Registration Card at all times.
Sure, there are many North Korean or Chinese illegals working in Japan but their population is such that they have an infrastructure in place. A sort of support system which helps them find jobs, accommodations, etc. The fact that they don't stand out is a major factor in their survival as well.
I think you should sit down and re-evaluate your decisions for wanting to escape to a foreign country in the first place. If you're unable to succeed in a country like the USA where anything is possible, the chances of you succeeding and finding happiness in a foreign country is very slim.