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Debi (Offline)
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05-04-2009, 06:48 AM

Originally Posted by Ronin4hire View Post
I don't agree that it's part of human nature...

The human nature argument is mostly always used to justify immoral behaviour.

I believe the only thing integral to human nature when it comes to behaviour is the ability to reason.

In fact I believe the fact that humans can manage their instincts, thoughts and emotions is what sets us apart from animals.

We can logically define peace and rationally seek it... therefore peace does not defy human nature, nor is war an integral part of it.
I said violence is part of nature. And human is also part of that same nature.

So you think humans can manage their thoughts, instincts and emotions ?
I think you are overvaluating the humans. Nobody can always control his emotions and instincts.

Human reason is not flawless. Even the best philosopher couldn't seize the real essence of reason. Reason is just a subsequent stage in evolution.

Eventually the Human Reason will refine and get to a new stage and so on and on.

You say you can rationalize peace, I say you can rationalize war.

Do you have proofs that we can rationally seek peace ? In history there is no such thing as peace.

Peace is an utopy. Free to you to believe into it, it is still a fantasy.

What we commonly call peace is simply a state of non-war for a determined time until the next conflict.

Technically, our opinions are in conflict. We are waging a war of opinion.

Fortunately, the casualties are usually low in those kind of conflicts ! HAHA

Gimme a stick and I'll make a masterpiece out of it, go figure.
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