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(#171 (permalink))
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SaintKat (Offline)
Veni Vidi Vicious
Posts: 271
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Behind you.
05-04-2009, 06:56 PM

I don't get picked on, but I've had some negative experiences as a result of my interest in Japan and Japanese culture. Friends, family, even complete strangers have felt compelled to add their two cents worth of opinions.

Sometimes people see it as me not having a pride or interest in my own culture. I've been asked "What's wrong with your own kind?" Accused of being a "Wannabe gook" a "Goddamn nip lover" all that sort of thing. I've also had Japanese people I don't even know turn around and tell me that "No matter how hard you try, you can't be one of us, you know".

I'm not sure why people get so offended at me having a genuine interest in Japan, since it doesn't affect them in any way. Ironically I can speak both of my native tongues fluently (Maori and Cook Island) and trace my genealogy by to when the first waka landed in both New Zealand and the islands. Not many of my detractors can say the same.

Nobody is perfect.
I am nobody.
Therefore, I am perfect.
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