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Compaqmac321 (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 184
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Location: Georgia
05-04-2009, 08:44 PM

i found myself saying wow at each and every sentence i read
why was that lady getting so angry. it couldnt have been me, what do you mean u cant leave the room untill u sign the papers, how are u going to stop me? i have to commend him on keeping his cool, and not exploding cus he had a lot on his plate already, not to mention that rude lady pretty much in his face for nothing....that was pretty despicable to say the can u contact some1 a week b4 an emergency, did they take him for a fool or something, thats pretty stupid seeing as tho no1 on the planet can see the future..he has a ton of proof too. i wonder what will happen, thats a pretty bad experience to have
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