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Thumbs up please help - 05-05-2009, 12:41 AM

Extinguishing A Civilization

First of all thank you for care and concern. We are a group of Mexicans who live in Patzcuaro, Michoacan, Mexico. We are carrying out a project to rescue the indigenous races of this region, the Purépecha, a race worthy, hardworking and courageous people. In spite of everything, they survived the centuries, but that is being destroyed by today's society and a government that is accelerating their extinction.
We are currently the only minority sounding an alarm. We are trying to reach as many people as possible. We are a group of Michoacan, a culture which dates to the pre-Columbian times: advanced such as the Aztec, the Maya and the Olmec. Cultures, that like ours, were razed and buried by army conquerors.
Other intrinsically related issues- such as the rescue and preservation of our lake regions, and the fight to save two endangered species- the Whitefish and the Axolotl Pátzcuaro Pátzcuaro (achoque) are addressed. The purpose of this message is to solicit support for the rescue of our culture, our customs, our native language and to end the hunger, suffering and injustice that we have endured for centuries.
Please visit Dot TK - Renaming The Internet to learn more about our concerns. This page is best viewed with Fire Fox, which contains several languages. Please feel free to bring your comments and questions to this forum and we will gladly answer them, and help us find ways to disseminate this project


Rescue the Indigenous Mexicans Front

Dot TK - Renaming The Internet
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