Thread: Dreaming
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Nyororin (Offline)
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05-05-2009, 06:31 AM

99% of the time, I have no recollection of what language my dreams were in. It`s sort of on the same order as when I forget what language I acquired some bit of information in. Happens a lot on the net. I read both English and Japanese blogs and news sites, and seem to only parse the info as info and scrap the language connection. So later when I recall something, I won`t be able to remember what language I originally encountered it in even if I remember all the details.

The times I do recall is when something is seriously out of place, such as a dream including my mother being "in Japanese" - and it involving enough frustration that I actually recall saying something to her. But even then, it`s usually only me that is speaking Japanese - I don`t know what everyone else is speaking.
I don`t think I`ve ever had a dream of Japan "in English", or if I have there has never been the level of anger and frustration that appears in dreams of my mother for it to linger in my mind.

Either that or most of the time my dreams just lack language.

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