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JF Ossan
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05-05-2009, 07:10 AM

Originally Posted by nukiuchi View Post
thnx for ur reply, probably with that nun thing yeah, but will I be an outcast or something? and are there any Japanese muslim men there looking for muslim women?
I do not know the percentage of the followers of Muslim in Japan, but Christian is under 1%, so I would imagine Muslim is probably in the same area.

Searching for a Japanese man who follows Muslim teachings as a husband will probably be easier in your home country than in Japan.

Japan is not a country that follows strict religious laws. As a fan of anime, I am sure you know that. At the same time, even though Japan is mostly populated by Japanese natives, I have not seen "outcasts" from any race. In my experience there isn't such a drastic difference in feeling toward non-Japanese races. What I mean is, I have met few Japanese people that have drastically different feelings about one race or another. Some, yes, but not like in the US.
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