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(#8 (permalink))
Ihateopapi (Offline)
New to JF
Posts: 3
Join Date: May 2009
05-05-2009, 01:52 PM

If you're a legitimate poster then we'll be seeing more of you in the forums no doubt. Countless trolls on various forums with topics similar to yours have lent me a certain cynicism.
I registered here to make this specific thread and ask this specific question anonymously on the internet. I got my answer, from Nyororin who provided a very helpful map.
I might join other topics, or I might not (who wants to be known as the guy who's first post was about THAT?).
But for the time being I got the help I came for. And so far all the trolling and annoyance in this thread came from someone other than me.

Go to a hospital in the area. ASK them
I'll go tomorrow, although it's probably too early for detection (less than 48 hours after exposure). I'll be sure to go often though, and maybe I'll give an update to this in the future, if I can still find the thread in a few weeks/months. From what I was told on other forums my risk is low EVEN if she DID have HIV (but there's no way to know), but I'm still scared and probably will be for the coming weeks. Anyway, thanks for the support.

Last edited by Ihateopapi : 05-05-2009 at 02:18 PM.
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