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TalnSG (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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05-05-2009, 07:21 PM

You have rice and adzuki beans and plenty of local fruits & veggies, so keep it simple.

A few thermoses of miso with tofu and some steamed rice with a few adzuki beans would be fine. Almost all major grocery store carry either instant (powdered) miso or miso paste and most carry both. Or go to your nearest health food store who will definitely have miso paste and tofu. Just don't let anyone tell you that tempeh is the same as natto - it is not!


Vegetable sushi with cucumber, carrots and a touch of horseradish (since that is what fake wasabi is anyway) would be easy and even better if you can get nori in your grocery store (many large American chain stock it these days)

or .......
You can make onigiri. If you will go to this heading and search in here for onigiri there is an entire thread on it. The ingredients and cooking are very simple, you can make it ahead, and you don't really need to have a mold. Though its simpler that way for some people, I find its easier by hand. This is a very traditional item and you can fill some with the adzuki. Pear is a common Japanese fruit, so if you can get fresh ones (even if not the prized asian pears) that would be very appropriate and I think more of your classmates would enjoy it over the adzuki beans.

Try focusing on the elements of Japanese cuisine that people eat everyday, instead of going for what you consider bizarre.

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