Originally Posted by Ihateopapi
I'll go tomorrow, although it's probably too early for detection (less than 48 hours after exposure). I'll be sure to go often though, and maybe I'll give an update to this in the future, if I can still find the thread in a few weeks/months. From what I was told on other forums my risk is low EVEN if she DID have HIV (but there's no way to know), but I'm still scared and probably will be for the coming weeks. Anyway, thanks for the support.
Risk is risk, no matter how low. As bELyVIS pointed out, this is about life, not something minor to be playing odds with. Yes, 48 hours is too early for a reliable test for HIV. HOWEVER, HIV is not the only STD you put yourself at risk for. Hopefully, if you have already gone for testing the clinic also ran tests for the standard array of infections that are commonly tranmitted this way. The sooner you know about any of them the better, because all of them are treatable. And not even HIV is not the immediate death sentence it once was - IF you find out early and take care of yourself.
Please people, latex (or nitrile if you are really allergic) is SO much cheaper and easier than prescription drugs!