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Reavyn (Offline)
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05-06-2009, 02:54 AM

Originally Posted by Tenchu View Post
All animals, beasts, insects, birds, everyone, they all have soething special about them. We're outdone in many ways, you know.

Koalas rape every night... horid things.

The point is it does happen. What you're saying is similar to saying wolves eating reindeer is not natural coz the reindeer does not like it and feels a little violated... right... the reindeer needs a counseller...

What is morallity when it comes to nature, Ronin?

Is it moral to skin an animal and shred its flesh and eat it?

You may be right, everything we do we almost always do so rationally, so rationallity may be the only real true human nature. Yet that does not mean if someone uses their brain to perform what you'd call immoral work that they are inhumane and unnatural.

It may be natural to do whatever, so long as it is a choice.

This reminds me of another conversation I had with someone. I was calling him a pussy coz he reckoned it was better to walk away from an argument than let it break into violence. Of course, I thought anyone who is rude needs a good thwacking. But in the end, I said it is okay to walk away, so long as you choose to do so from real choice, and not because you're afraid. If you walk away, maybe you are still a strong man, so long as the thought of standing your ground was actually plausible.

I guess it is adaption, Ronin. If the time comes where you have to be the same like me in order to survive, and you cannot, then you are a failure. But what you do when choice really does exist is your decision.

Being smart has been important for people. But every ounce of muscle we shed as we evolved further from apes we replaced with solid steel and did the exact same things.

I, after studying history, believe all great civilizations come to an end eventually. Why should ours be any different? The weakness that has been allowed to thrive in modern society I am sure will make for a foul stench of death and failure when that time does come.
It's quite obvious that you are not going to be able to grasp the fact that be it insect, animal, or human, rape is wrong. So I'm just going to walk away from the discussion because I left the last Japanese website I went to cause kids could not stop acting like it was okay to act like rape was just a game and okay. I know someone who has been raped. I do not like it at all. So, enjoy thinking that rape is okay.
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