05-06-2009, 04:29 AM
I've had an attraction to the culture since I was young.
Martial arts always caught my attention (especially samurai) even though I haven't ever taken 1 class!
I find the amount of work and skill involved in making a katana (or any sword for that matter) is something which should be cherished and never lost.
The language I find is great (at least kana). I don't know any Kanji yet, so I don't have anything to say other than it's been a hard time motivating myself to learn the language on my own while looking forward to eventually memorizing a ton of them. I just want to be able to have conversations with people in Japanese & maybe do some basic reading/writing.
I also like (as someone previously said) the attitude of the general population; which is you are responsible for yourself.
I really have come to anguish in the matter of how we are babied here in the US.
The life there just seems something I would enjoy to experience.