Thread: Post a poem!!!
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(#403 (permalink))
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VampireGirl1314 (Offline)
~I cant leave you~
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05-06-2009, 04:26 PM

Once upon a time
you were Romeo
And i was Juliet
I remember when you gave me that first kiss
I remember Father finding out
About are little secret hideout
Mother got mad
And said stay away from Juliet
This isn't how a love story is
So why am i sad sitting here on my bed crying
Wait whats that noise?
I go to my bed room window
Only to see
Romeo playing on his guitar to me
I was so happy i started to cry yet a again
Romeo ran up to my window and kissed me softly
His lips were so sweet
then he whipped away my tears
And took away all my fears
I wish Romeo and i could be together
I would do anything to be with my dear Romeo.
As soon as i thought that
Romeo got on one knee
and said to me
*My dear Juliet please marry me, this way we both get what we want.*
I was so happy i was crying so much i could barley see,
but then i said.
*but my Father, he wont let this be.*
*Juliet you wont be alone anymore, i already spoke with your Father he said yes.*
*Oh Romeo.* I swung my arms around his neck so happily,
saying to myself.*maybe happy endings are real after all?*


*The divorce is final Romeo will not be aloud to get married to Juliet again,
for rape and murder of Lucifer.*

Romeo:*But i didn't touch the guy sure i wanted to kill him for hitting on my wife, but i didn't.*

Juliet:* I guess happy endings aren't real after all.*

Romeo:*Oh baby of course they are, its not your fault for this its your Mothers for setting us up like that.*

Juliet:*I don't want this divorce!*

Romeo:*I don't want it either.*

There has been a sudden death of Romeo and Juliet
its seems that someone gave them wine with poison in it
I am sorry to announce this but its true Romeo and Juliet are both dead.

I could never be happier.
I found my missing piece and i know he wont leave me.
song by simple plan.
+{Member of the Crusnik Clan--Crusnik 04}+
+{Codename: Abel}+
I'm sorry for acting like this...
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