05-06-2009, 07:02 PM
ive been rele sick for about a week now and my mom and bro think i have the swine flu but i think they are being rediculouse, im fine. i mean if i survived double pneumonia and cancer i highly doubt ill die from some stupid swine flu. and its called the swine flu because thats where it started but it has turned into a new strand that is air borne and is traveling from person to person so its not necessarily the pigs that we get it from. i mean i dont eat pork anyways, i never did, but just because of this stupid little epiemic going around it doesnt mean u need to stay away from pork products. you cant get it from food its an air borne disease. and the only ppl that seem to die from it are ppl with low immune systems so stop freaking out about it ppl, geeze. ITS NOT THAT BIG OF A DEAL!!!!! its not like its some kind of skin eating virus, its a flu.
[color="Magenta"] There is no better way to die than in ur lovers arms. [ /COLOR] IM THE QUEEN OF CYBER WHORES!!!! ^^ HEHE LOL 
Anata Ga Suki!!! [/size]