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Sangetsu (Offline)
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05-07-2009, 04:41 AM

Originally Posted by alanX View Post
I'm talking about harm from the use of marijuana itself, not the act or procedures of obtaining or selling it. People die selling weed because it is illegal, if it were legalized, that would take care of this problem. Do people get killed over cigarettes or alcohol? No. Why? Because you can go out and buy them. I guess weed plants and fields are a myth? And I guess somehow Mexico is also supplying weed to all of the other nations that use weed just as much as the states? Australia, Germany, etc. You can blaze all you want in Amsterdam, and I guess somehow people in Mexico are dying so Amsterdam can smoke weed?

Look, I'm not bashing anyone's opinion. LOL
If you think weed is bad, by all means you can go blog about it for all I care. Heck, go ahead and write to your towns congressmen. If you wanna get high, go for it. Again, I don't care what you do.

It's a personal opinion, there is nothing to argue about. It's like arguing about if pink sweaters are cute. They could be to some, and could not be to others.
Have you been hiding in your mother's basement? Haven't you heard of "cause and effect"?

I didn't mention anything about Amsterdam, did I? I said "America", didn't I? If you and your 50 friends are smoking pot, then you and they are contributing to the death and misery which are occurring in Mexico right now, and however indirect that responsibility is, it still exists. But of course you'll do the typical American thing and blame someone else: "if it were legalized, those people wouldn't have died...", while conveniently overlooking the fact that smoking pot is illegal, and if you had obeyed the law and not smoked it, those people would also be alive.

The laws governing the possession and use of drugs are not an opinion, they are laws. Death is not an opinion, it is a fact. As long as people continue to be selfish and deny that their actions have an effect on the world around them, then the world will continue to suffer.