Originally Posted by nukiuchi
Anime is NOT why I want to go to Japan and it is NOT what I see Japan as!  I was only interested in animes until I was 13 years old, now i only read 1 manga per year... With each year I have learned more and more about the Japanese and their life. Their way of living, work, education, culture, religion EVERYTHING!!!! and i have loved and adored every point and detail, top to bottom!
I have never went to Japan before and from all those dairies, blogs, and stories that people write about on their trip to Japan and how they get treated as gaijin, that's what scared me a little.
but i know japan for what it is as a breath taking nation that provides beauty and hopeful opprotunities for the future for all who resign within in.  I love nippon for the country it is, not for the false media other countries see it as.
The consensus seems to point in your favour so let us know when you are going and how things are.
Have a good trip