Originally Posted by kcyk8703
I meant no disrespect nukiuchi, I've met a few people who have been totally shocked/disappointed with Japan due to the fact that they came here believing life was tv, movies, animes portray it as. I think its better to get a kick in the ass by a reality check than to come and waste your time/money on a false image. Seems you have a strong grasp of what you want to accomplish, I wish you the best of luck.
When you do land in Japan, dont pay much attention to being treated like a foreigner, just enjoy your time and do what you set out to do. As for being treated as a foreigner, that can't be helped, you're a foreigner. Can't expect to land in another country and expect to be treated as a citizen.
thank you very much

i have strong feelings for this country and i beleive that you are absolutely right - I HAVE TO ENJOY MY TIME & DO WHAT I PLAN TO DO (goals and all^_^). i will live my life as the person I am no matter how i look or where i'm from, arigato