Thread: Yen Exchange?
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JF Ossan
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05-07-2009, 09:19 PM

Originally Posted by jwagner120787 View Post
If this was posted already, sorry. Please don't kill me.

I am planning a trip to Japan in the next couple of years [not sure of exact Itinerary yet - still working out details, thus the long timeline]. I was wondering what the best way to exchange yen was. Is it best to keep it in a bank account linked to Visa/MasterCard and withdraw at ATMs? Convert it to a Traveler's Check? Keep it all as cash and exchange in Japan? Find a place in the US to convert it before I leave? (If so, where would be a good place? I will likely be departing from Chicago's O'hare, unless they drop their nonstop to Tokyo before I leave) With the fall of value of the dollar, we get less yen. I was wondering what the best way to convert dollars to yen was, so that I can at least start my collection of Yen before the dollar freefalls a bit. Unless everyone thinks the value will increase...

Anyway, any opinions, advice, or answers regarding exchanging dollars for Yen in preparation for my trip would be awesome! Plus I'd you all for it!

Thanks again for your help.
Have a Visa card for emergencies and bring cash from your bank at home.

I would not recommend buying yen now for a trip you are taking in a few years.
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