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(#117 (permalink))
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JF Ossan
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05-07-2009, 10:50 PM

Originally Posted by ivi0nk3y View Post
How sad.. legalising a drug to make money off it, to solve issues caused by the stupid mistakes of government.

Then again alcohol and cigarettes are lawful and taxed so why should it be different for anything else.
Hypocrites just dig themselves a deeper hole by making excuses for their system.
Take another perspective, the sad part may not be in legalizing it, but the sad part in making it illegal in the first place.

A multi-million dollar industry, and all that money goes to drug lords. What if it could go into drug rehabilitation clinics, instead? What if drug addicts could be sent to rehab instead of jail?

The downward spiral that keeps poor drug addicts poor is as much from a criminal record as it is from the drugs themselves.