Thread: Fate or Choice?
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Debi (Offline)
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05-07-2009, 11:30 PM

Wow Pex, To be or not to be ?

Let's me share with you what I think about that.

First, nothing is all Black or White. Everything is a different shade of gray
The same is true for Fate and Choice.

You know, we have the choice at every single moment of our life. Right now I have the choice to do whatever I want in my environment. I could simply smash myself in the face, I could run and scream incorehently, I could type the word "BALLS", etc. We are facing billions of choice-situations every day.
We are free to choose what are the actions we want to make.
Unfortunately, most of the time we are just not aware of this because we are not fully conscious, like when we follow routines or do stuff by habits or instincts, social conscience, etc.

Now that's for the choice part

About fate...
It's fine to have the choice of our actions but things are a little bit more complicated than that. Around us, there is hundred of billions of trillions of fucklions of things that also happen. And this influence us somehow.
It create events that you couldn't choose at all.
Is it predetermined before it happen ? It's hard to say. For example movements of planets and stars are set so maybe we could say that it's somehow predestined... but at the same time every other persons around you who also make choices make that it's also kinda random. Again, nothing is white or black.

So I think that fate exist, but when it bump into you, it's your choices that will determine what will happen next. Or the other way, when you make a choice, it is fate that will influence how this will end up.

Yooooo !

Gimme a stick and I'll make a masterpiece out of it, go figure.

Last edited by Debi : 05-07-2009 at 11:37 PM.
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