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ozkai (Offline)
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05-08-2009, 03:03 AM

Originally Posted by EveV View Post
So a few weeks ago I was at this Asian market and stumbled over this Thia candy. ( At least that's what the package said. )

And oh my gah.
My life is complete.

I'm not quite sure on how I can describe the taste of a tamarind.
All I can say is it's...beautiful. : (

I've actually never even really heard of a tamarind up until that point.
I can't believe I'd been missing out.

My suggestion to guys.

Go buy tamarind candy.

The ultimate point of this thread?

I'd figure I'd make a place for us to discuss food from places over then Japan.
This a very diverse forum with people from all over the world.

What are some delicious things you've discovered or have found to be quite popular where you live?

Note- Didn't put this in the general forum because that already has so much going on as is.
That bottom pack is from Thailand.

Tamarind grwos naturally on tress in Tropical Cairns, and yes, we pick it and eat it. Very sour and yummy...

they may grow it in other places like Hawaii.

Cheers - Oz
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