Can someone please tell me the stroke order for 畢? It's rare in Japanese (although it apparently exists as 畢る and 畢業). I'm writing an graduation invitation in Chinese to my girlfriend's parents, but I don't know the stroke order for this character. It is part of the most common word for graduation, 畢業 (which is a rare way of saying "graduation" in Japanese? ひつぎょう).
Every animated dictionary online has only the simplified version's stroke order (the parents are from Taiwan, so simplified is a no-no), and I can't remember how to have stroke order shown on my Canon Wordtank. Furthermore, the kanji doesn't show up in my 新官営字典 so I can't find the stroke order there, either.
I know the 田 comes first. The bottom half is what gives me problems. I'm going to include an image of my guessed stroke order. Can someone tell me if I've got it correct? It just feels awkward and wrong the way I'm postulating it's written.
Edit Yes I realize that Chinese and Japanese stroke orders vary occasionally. But I'll take the insight of a possible stroke order rather than none at all.