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yuujirou (Offline)
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New Beginnings - Hair - 05-08-2009, 06:30 AM

Please excuse the following excessively large and annoyingly brightly coloured font, but experiences tells me that it is rather necessary since many posters typically tend to overlook the smaller and more appropriate small text >.>''
(of course, this apology is for those that actually read said fonts >.>")

please don't post any random pics of your favorite band/rocker/etc.
I'm here to ask for 'advice' not to create an album of hairstyles that will never work for my face and lifestyle

^-- pretty big red letters eh?
hope it drew the attention of you little buggers x]

So... it's been ages since I've last had a haircut... and I'm long overdue for one. The ends are splitting like no tomorrow, and my layers have seriously grown out >.>''
I've been pondering a new style... or just redoing my old one.
Honestly haven't really decided proper x]

Anywho, I know this is a long shot... but I've decided to ask you JF'ers for your advice and personal opinions of my style and any possible suggestions the lot of you might have. ^_^'''
And I suppose i should mention.... >.>''
please don't post any random pics of your favorite band/rocker/etc.
I'm here to ask for 'advice' not to create an album of hairstyles that will never work for my face and lifestyle x.x'''
and besides.... pics like those honestly don't help all too much and have only proven to be nothing short of a nuisance anyway.

I'm asking for "ADVICE" on what to do w/ my hair, such as where might layers work well, and the shape of the overall cut and other such possible discussions x]
if you don't understand anything about layering, or anything about hair techniques... then please don't post in this thread >.<''
thanking for your understanding
(and to the lot of you that don't understand..... >.>''
hope you choke on a biscotti >.<"" )

Well, without further ado, here are a few shots of me. Some to show my current style (how I typically do my hair), the cut of my hair, and the shape and angles of my face and other features.

This is a frontal pic of me w/ my hair styled on a typical day.

the crown is overgrown and i'm thinking to shorten it down a bit.....

The following two pics are shots of my sides.

I feel that the hair directly behind and over my ears are way outgrown, and i've been thinking to relayer them

this next pic is w/ my hair pulled back so you can see the shape of my face and my hairline.
I'm thinking that i'm more of a square...
but what do the lot of you think?

and this next one is just to show the shape of my jaw

just throwing this last one in...
but obviously, your hairstyle should be styled to your lifestyle and taste in fashion
so this pic is representative of how i dress on a daily basis >.>''

... and i know my head isn't in the picture....
let's see what kind of shot you can get when you're using a bathtub as a stand for your cell phone so that you can take full body shots

If I've come across as rude to any of you, I apologise. However, I am here seeking honest advice from people who have at the least a clue of what they're talking about. Basically, I'd rather not waste much time sifting through a load of rubbish that is utterly useless and totally irrelevant to my query. x]
Thank you so much for your understanding.

*uwaaa... one thing i forgot as well xDD

please don't leave comments such as "uwaa, you are so kawaii~ <3 "
as much as they're appreciated (<3 ) please not in this thread

quite honestly, my ego is high enough as is, soo yeah x]

In the shadows beneath the trees he waits.
In the darkness under the moon he plots
In the silence of the night he kills.

Last edited by yuujirou : 05-08-2009 at 06:54 AM.
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