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ozkai (Offline)
X Kyoto
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Join Date: Apr 2009
05-08-2009, 07:44 AM

Originally Posted by eruchan View Post
Just a little intro about myself. I am from Australia and have been living here in Japan for 4.5 years now. I have worked in a japanese office of an international company for 3.5 years and decided to quit the job and learn japanese fulltime.

I just happened to find this forum and realized that there are many people out there like me who want to come to japan or will actually come here in the short future.

This has just reminded me how difficult it was to settle in and adapt to japanese cultures and their way of doing things when I first arrived. Luckily, I have my husband to help me a bit (he is japanese) but I can really imagine for those who are coming here on your own with no friends/family, it can be hectic.

So, for those of you who want to have some advice, please feel free to post a reply to this. I will help as much as I can.
G'day ER-Chan

I was just browsing back through the threads and noticed this.

I think as you say, many eperience the fear scenario of not speaking the language and knowing much when they first arrived.

My first American work colleague in Japan was one of these and I also once was contacted by an American girl who wanted my orientation help.

With me, it was a case of being married in Sydney whilst I had a full time job working on the Sydney Olympics, being married in Sydney to my Japanese girl, and the eventually obtaining my very easy then to get spouse visa andmitting her at Kansai airport at midnight Boy was it cold!

One of the first things I did was purchase a motor scooter and then I was off to explore Kyoto whilst my wife worked her full time job.

The first scare I got was getting lost somewhere in Kyoto city, pulling up to the sidewalk to ask directions from the multitude of workers walking by, and people simply ignored my question.

I got of my scooter, ran up to a "salary" man, and grabbed his suit to stop him, of which he then politely explained directions in broken English to me.

I guess like you, health insurance, living rrangements were never difficult having the native partner behind us.

I guess it was never so alien for me being their as I was very used to international travel since a young age.

Stopping their, Japan is certainly one of those more "difficult" places, Kyoto probably tops the list, although once mastered, possibly a year or two later, it becomes a pleasant breeze.

Good luck, an update would be great and that's a realy nice gesture from you to offer your orientation help to newcomers who may see your message

In the true Aussie spirit, you are a true legend

Cheers - Oz
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