Originally Posted by Riskki
Yeah but why spent on college tuition? you dont have to go to college to be able to achieve something in life.....i went to college to study art and desided it wasnt what i wanted to do and left. half the people who go to college are no better off than those who didnt. id rather spend my money on something that will work towards what i really want to do!!
That's interesting. The friends I know that have graduated from college are employed right now. One that hasn't and who is looking for work (and has been for nearly a year) is told time and time again that he would be more employable if he finished college.
This is even more true in Japan.
I am not trying to discourage you, but why would the Japanese government want an unemployed non-graduate in the country when there are thousands of diploma-holding, employed foreigners trying to get in? Do the right steps and make your dream come true.