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Riskki (Offline)
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05-08-2009, 08:06 PM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
That's interesting. The friends I know that have graduated from college are employed right now. One that hasn't and who is looking for work (and has been for nearly a year) is told time and time again that he would be more employable if he finished college.

This is even more true in Japan.

I am not trying to discourage you, but why would the Japanese government want an unemployed non-graduate in the country when there are thousands of diploma-holding, employed foreigners trying to get in? Do the right steps and make your dream come true.

I didnt graduate from college and i have a full time job! and I wasnt saying that everyone who goes to college is no better off than everyone who doesnt! Just for me its different, i am doing the right steps to make my dream come true and that doesnt involve college and never will! i dont want to spend a couple of years in college when i could be out their trying to do it. you dont need to be a college or university graduate to get somewhere in life. If you want something bad enough you will always find a way to make it happen.

lol neither of us are going to win, cause its easy to see that your someone who is for further education and im not (for myself) neither of which is wrong! we just have different opinions!

Well.....i guess that's one way to cure world hunger!!

Last edited by Riskki : 05-08-2009 at 08:09 PM.
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