Originally Posted by rebam
I don't know what prevents me, but it's like I can't seem to get a boyfriend at all. I'm 17 years old and I have had three guys ask me out.(I'm white.) The first guy, we didn't even know each other very and he asked me out and he wouldn't leave me alone till I said yes, of course we kinda knew each other, but I only said yes to make him shut up(younger than me and is african america, a eighth grader right now); the second one was this guy who asked me out after like a week of knowing me and it wasn't even real. Here's how it happened, we were sitting alone at a table in the school library and he some how worked the conversation of how his friend was weird and I said why and he said cause his friend asked if we were dating or if we were going to date and he said no on the first one and maybe on the second part of the question then like ten minutes later he said the same thing so I took that as him trying to hit on me so I asked if he wanted to date me and he said yes, so I was like ok(as in I heard what you said and wasn't ignoring you) and he took it as let's date, but that was partically my falt)(he's a hispanice freshman in high school); and the last last one asked me over email to go to the movies with him and I said I was kinda busy at the time then he asked me if I wanted to date him and I said we would have to talk about it(he is a junior and white, he is also in a wheel chair but is not specialy challenged but has like a skin problem and no fingers but can still do stuff most people can do like flip a tech deck)
But no one else has ever asked me out and I don't know why I get the people I dont see myself with or are completly weird and haven't known me for very long or don't know much about me and I don't know much about them
Its not that, its simply you dont know the kind of guy you want for a BF.
You really shouldnt be saying yes to a date to someone due to pressure like the first guy or out of pity like the last.
Saying No wont kill them and it dont make you a snob, this will give you a perspective of whom you want, try that out.