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(#35 (permalink))
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Compaqmac321 (Offline)
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05-09-2009, 02:26 AM

Originally Posted by rison View Post
Al-pacino's character made the movie Scarface what it was which Joker couldnt do.
People went to the cinemas to watch Al which is different from watching the Dark Knight with Joker as just a villian.

There is no comparison man.
dawg you can like al pacino as scarface more than heath ledger as the joker, idc, b4 the dark knight came out scarface was number one for me in acting. but what u say is based off of what??? how do u know ppl went to see scarface just for al pacino? scarface came out how many years ago?? so u went to the movies to see it? which theater? which 1983 newspaper or magazine did u read to get these facts. and how do you know ppl didnt go see batman just for heath ledger? your generalizing things that you cant cus you dont know everyone who saw the movie. which is something im not doing.

and heath ledger as the joker MADE the dark knight. he out acted EVERYONE in that movie, so to say its something the joker couldnt do doesnt make a bit of sense.

evidently there is a comparison because the poll results show 5 to 6.
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