Originally Posted by kcyk8703
The other usage is 'by means of'
ケイタイによって友達と簡単に連絡する。 (ケイタイ によって 友達と かんたんに れんらくする。
By using a cellphone I can easily contact friends.
Your sample sentences are good except for this one. Native speakers wouldn't say it.
When we use によって, we almost always describe "how something
enables you to do something". This means that the verb phrase ends in ~できる, ~する事ができる, ~が可能になる, etc. Yours ends in する, which makes it sound kind of awkward.
One more thing if I may... It would sound better if you say 友達に instead of 友達と. I know you hear the latter among young people, but they will change in time because they already know that adults don't use と there. They pretend they don't hear us so they can keep talkin' cool.