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SephirothVVC (Offline)
Death Is The Cure
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05-09-2009, 09:52 PM

Originally Posted by Compaqmac321 View Post
what are you saying
no they wouldnt
the fact that its incest wouldnt be known until the end anyway
idk what your basing that off of, ppl have seen way worst

and he was saying they took it out in korea not america
since the movie hasnt been made here yet
well obviously they cant take it from something that doesnt exist yet. its just a feeling i have. so we dont have to discuss it, since there is no point. we can just wait and see. i would prefer it if we stopped re-making films. its getting ridiculous.

i read somewhere on the net that the people that have all the rights to re-make these foreign films are doing it because they know the average american doesnt want to read subtitles and therefore they can make money for little amount of actual effort.

"I despise practically everything about human life, which does limit one's weekend activities."
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