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xYinniex (Offline)
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05-10-2009, 03:32 AM

Originally Posted by ozkai View Post
Totally agree with you.

And what would you do if your man gave you a diamond, you loved that stone for years, showed it off proudly to all you knew, only to find out after all those years later that it was infact not a real diamond, but rather, a Cubic Ziconia?
if we were still in love- I would do the things couple's do and make fun of him about it, it'll be something to tell the grandkids. =) because if i was with him many years later, It means i've already fallen in love.

However, if we were in a rocky part of the relationship, then yeah, like any woman would, use it against him, duh.

"I'm sorry, but i must have given you the impression that I actually care about your opinions"
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