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alanX (Offline)
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05-10-2009, 04:05 AM

Reincarnation would be pretty cool, but do you really know what Reincarnation is, Nobora?

It's cycling through multiple lives until you reach Enlightenment which is obtained through the Eightfold Path taught by Siddhartha Gautama in the Buddhist/Hindu/Tao/etc religions.

So if you ask "do you believe in Reincarnation" you really should ask "do you believe in Buddhism/Hinduism/Taoism/etc." because Reincarnation is just a very small portion of the entire religions.

I don't think discussion of religion is very appropriate for the Japan Forum, but personally I do not believe in Reincarnation, but I do agree with the Eightfold Path, but my main religion is Baptist, so I'm like a Christian-Buddhist.
