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Debi (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 189
Join Date: Apr 2009
05-10-2009, 08:06 AM

Originally Posted by liljmaster View Post
Hey guys,
In our class we have to design a themed bathroom, but first of all we need to base that theme on a designer,architect, or fashion style. I want to do like a traditional japanese style looking place but with ofcourse modern baths, toilets etc.

So what I want to know is who some architects are for the old japanese architecture style is eg. in the edo period or what era/style was it eg. contemporary, etc.

Thanks for the help
I'm curious to know if there is really someone who going to do your homeworks at your place.
Google it dude.

Gimme a stick and I'll make a masterpiece out of it, go figure.
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