Originally Posted by Kyle247
Say I would like to take twelve months off of my current 'degree-less' job here in Australia and experience living in the most densely populated city in the world. Your telling me there is so much compatition in Japan for unskilled work , me as a gaijin would have next to no chance over a local of getting a job say cleaning?
What is it I would need to be able to offer to pick up after people?
Nothing's stopping you from applying for those type of jobs but degree or visa aside, what can you offer a potential employer? What makes you a standout over the other candidates?
Unless your Japanese is at a near-native level, your presence could actually become a hindrance as they're forced to spend extra time translating written work instructions, daily bulletins, etc. Jobs which involve potential interaction with the public could also be harder to get as well.
For example, a hotel cleaning job may look simple enough but like it or not, you're also representing the hotel while you work. If a customer comes up to you and starts blabbing away in Japanese only to have you look dazzled and confused, it makes the hotel look bad. Especially in a country where customer service is taken very seriously.
With that being said, there are tens of thousands of non-Japanese working in unskilled labor. Jobs which involve rough/hazardous/dirty manual labor, very long hours, harsh working environments, etc.
However, I wouldn't recommend it unless you want to leave Japan learning more Chinese, Korean, Portuguese or Persian than Japanese.