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nukiuchi (Offline)
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Location: Libya
05-11-2009, 09:24 AM

that's great RyanHull ^___^!!!!

I started ever since I was 5-6 years old(in canada), watching pokemon, sailormoon, digimon and cardcaptors sakura. i loved the illustrations and i got this vibe everytime i would watch them. i asked my dad where they were from and he told me JAPAN.... just hearing those 5 letters being put into this beautiful word made my heart race.

i started borrowing books, magazines, and videos on this amazing country and as the years flew by, my love and passion for this nation grew. i decided i would go to japan when i turned 11, and hoped that this country would be were i live the rest of my life: gain and develop within my career, start a family and die.... all in this glorious country!

(I'm 19 years old) Japan will always have a place in my heart, always^_<. the culture, reglions, the way of life and the history that flows through the souls of all the japanese, it is exactly what i wanted and where i wanted to be.

nippon, ai shiteru

i hope you achieve your dream RyanHull just like how i will soon achieve mine.domo
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