Originally Posted by kMal
I understand. Would you have done it if you had the chance?
Part of the problem is that I hit those teenage rebellion years... when I was 17. Juuust in time to flunk most of my A-Levels and screw up my chances of getting into university on a BSc. I ended up doing an HND instead, which is one of the world's least useful qualifications.
For the next 15 years I hit a brick wall, as not having a degree really hampers you in the UK. The other problem was that I was a university student in the very last days of free study here. We were always assured that if we chose to return to uni after the age of 25 we'd get our fees paid by government grant, but once I was 25 no such grant existed any more.
On the other hand, though, I've gained extremely valuable experience, and am now doing what I've always wanted - writing for a living. If I'd managed to make it onto the degree course I'd initially chosen I might be doing something tedious instead