Thread: Fate or Choice?
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Odin (Offline)
Lord of the Æsir
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05-11-2009, 06:11 PM

"Fate or Choice?" I find that the answer to this question is completely irrelevant. It matter little if it is my fate to walk down the road that lies before me, or if was up to myself to choose that road. In the end one must make the choice to walk down that road or not. Who's to say wether if you were fated to make that choice, or if you arrived at it by sheer force of your own will. In the end I choose not to worry if I am controlled by fate. Maybe it is my fate to do so.

Prepare for the worst.
Hope for the best.
Accept that which comes to pass.

On another note the term "tempting fate" is a very ancient term that is very ingrained into European society. In elder times it was "tempting the fates". This is because once upon a time it was a common belief across almost all of the early European beliefs that fate was controlled by a trio of sister goddesses. Tempting the fates, was an act so bold as to temp the goddesses to change the fate they had laid out before you. In general this was rarely a good thing.

The Honored of Valhöll are: Acidreptile: my spiritual brother, smilexfreak7: milaya moya sestra Tsuzuki: my dark goddess,
=Kanji: the eternal wanderer, Zenit: future world conquer, Michieru: self proclaimed mastermind of genius
and the rest of my family in the
~+VaMpiRe ClAn+~

Last edited by Odin : 05-11-2009 at 06:15 PM.
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