The Psychedelic Traveler
Posts: 1,114
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: An arrogant nation.
05-12-2009, 08:37 PM
Originally Posted by Sangetsu
Or, go to culinary school and study to be a chef. Study hard, and get yourself a few year's experience at a decent restaurant, then apply with one of the zillion or so foreign-themed restaurants or hotels in Tokyo. There is a provision for "culinary professionals" to obtain a work visa. "Professional" means you'll have 3 or more year's experience as a chef or cook.
Food is a big deal in Japan, it's a wonder people here aren't fatter than Americans. I can't watch any kind of television program without at least some mention of a restaurant or recipe. They even have a program called "Cooking with SMAP", where the members of the band compete in a cooking contest which is judged by some lucky fan. I'm getting tired of hearing OISHII!! or UMAI!! after some popular celebrity takes a taste of some kind of food.
Learn to be a chef (or a least a great cook), and you might find a way to work in Japan.
Is that what you did?