Originally Posted by DuoMaxwell2x4
I have searched, 'everywhere' for this symbol @_@ and I still cant find it I dont know if its Higarana, Kanji or Katakana although I suspect its either Katakana or Kanji, its very similar to ma but its not here is a basic picture I drew of that symbol ![](http://i202.photobucket.com/albums/aa160/Riku_RP/dontknow.jpg) Please help Im trying to translate a Novel I bought and I cant translate that sentence without that symbol! T_T Its driving me insane not knowing @_@ ![Confused](http://www.japanforum.com/forum/images/smilies/confused.gif)
Excuse me but you're trying to translate a novel when you aren't sure if a ceratin character is a kana or kanji?
That is called "踊り字=おどりじ" and it's considered a kind of an "honorary" kanji.
It is used in a kanji word to show that the immediately precedng kanji is repeated.
国々(くにぐに)= (many) countries
山々(やまやま)= the mountains
数々(かずかず)= many
色々(いろいろ)= varied, many kinds of