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(#34 (permalink))
spicytuna (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 667
Join Date: Dec 2008
05-13-2009, 03:59 PM

Originally Posted by longfortheblur View Post
Yeah, lots of negative things. But I want to move to Japan asap and live on my own. And my parents are really against it so I gotta support myself money wise. Waiting for a Bachelor Degrees is like 4 more years.
I think you're looking at in from the wrong perspective. A university degree isn't an obstacle to your life but a tool which will open many doors and opportunities to your future. Don't compromise by taking an "easy" major for the sake of going to Japan. Think long and hard and choose a field which you can see yourself doing for the rest of your life.

Let me tell you a true story.

I have several Japanese Canadian friends who took the easy road and used their heritage visa to move to Japan shortly after high school. They all spoke Japanese fluently, were able to read/write basic Japanese but they never completed university.

After 5 or 6 years, the novelty of living in Japan started to wear thin for half of them as they returned to Canada only to realize just how hard it was to find a job without a post secondary education. Their work experience in Japan wasn't exactly relevant in Canada and they were out of money. Most of them moved in with their parents as they went back to school to get a proper education.

The other half are now married but they're constantly reminded of their lack of education when it comes to job hunting and promotions. Unfortunately, they're caught in a catch 22. They can't afford (time/money wise) to get an education and yet their pay is limited because of their lack of it.

To make things worse, their fellow Japanese Canadian friends started to arrive shortly after finishing university. They were posted to companies like IBM, Sony, Morgan Stanley, etc. and were living in paid accommodations in places like Roppongi. That to them was the ultimate humiliation.

Life is full of surprises and it's impossible to predict what'll happen in the future. The only thing you can do is stack the cards in your favor and having a university degree is like having a pair of Aces in your hand.
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