Originally Posted by KyleGoetz
Nagoyankee, out of curiosity, what do you think of ゝ and ヽ? Are they "wrong" to use in modern times, or are they just not popular? I think I may have used one once a few years ago and my professor told me not to use it. She didn't clarify if it was wrong or just poor style, though.
The youngest person that I've ever seen use ゝ and ヽin real life has been my own grandma, who would be around 110 if she were living. My parents don't use them at all. They aren't used in anything I read from this era, newspapers, magazines, novels, etc. I'm inclined to say that it is "wrong" to use ゝ and ヽeven though I couldn't remove those parentheses. If one uses them for aesthetic reasons, not many will appreciate it.
The rare exceptions that I've personally witnessed have been in
proper nouns such as izakaya names, shop names, etc.
EDIT: I said "parentheses" but it should have read "quotation marks".